All About PCC JD…
John D. (“J.D.”) Nellor, from Vancouver, Washington U.S.A., served a one–year term as Council Chair for Multiple District 19 of Lions International following his election by the MD19 Lions, in June, 2019.
PCC J.D. has remained an active Lion following his term as Council Chair. He is the MD19 Parliamentarian and webmaster, and he serves on the MD19 Strategic Planning and Redistricting committees, the Northwest Lions Foundation board of trustees, and the MD19 Lions Foundation board of trustees. He is currently the president of the MD19 Lions Foundation (formerly named the MD19 Lions Service and Leadership Development Foundation).
PCC J.D. has served his community and Lions as a member of the Vancouver Lions Club in Vancouver, Washington U.S.A. for 35 years. He has been elected to and held every club, zone, district and multiple disrict office. He has also received numerous honors and recognitions from his Club, District, Multiple District and Lions International, including multiple Membership Key Awards, Lion of the Year awards, the MD19 Distinguished Service Award, the Lions Clubs International President's Medal, and the Lions Clubs International President's Leadership Medal. He is a progressive Melvin Jones Fellow — honors bestowed on him by his fellow Lions.
PCC J.D. is active in numerous professional and community organizations. He has served on the board of trustees for the Clark County, Washington, Bar Association, as president, board chair, and board member of the Pacific Foundation for Blind Children, the board of directors for the Clark County Home Builders Association, the board of directors of the Vancuver Lions Foundation, as well as his Club's board of directors, his District cabinet, and the Multiple District 19 Council of Governors.
J.D. is married to Susan (42 years), who recently retired as a staff assistant for special needs students (Aspergers and autism spectrum disorder) in the Vancouver, Washington, Public Schools.
Susan is also a Lion. She joined the Vancouver Lions Club as a Centennial member in April, 2016 (although to be fair, Susan has been an ad hoc Vancouver Lion, enthusiastically participating with J.D. in every Lions function, project, and activity, be it club, zone, district, multiple district, or Lions International, over the last 35 years since he became a Lion).
Susan and J.D. have two adult daughters: Stephanie Zoeller and Barbara Nellor. Stephanie works for the Clark County, Washington Prosecuting Attorney's Office and resides in Camas, Washington with her husband, Anthony Zoeller, a detective with the Portland, Oregon Police Department. Barbara works for a solar technology company, and resides in Bend, Oregon with her companions, Charlie Douthwaite, and their German Shorthair Pointer, Rory.
J.D. is an attorney at law, admitted to practice in the State of Washington (1979), the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington (1979), the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Washington (1997), the United States Tax Court (1993) and the United States Court Of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit (1985). He is also a certified nuetral on the Hon. Thomas T. Glover Mediation Program in the United States Bankrutcy Court for the Western District of Washington (2014).
Prior to opening his current law firm, the Nellor Law Office, J.D. served as President and Managing Partner of a law firm that grew from 6 to 50 members during the 15 years he served as its managing partner and President.
- University of Tulsa, College of Law (Juris Doctor, 1978).
- Order of the Barristers (awarded to graduating law students and practicing lawyers who demonstrate exceptional skill in oral advocacy).
- National Moot Court Team.
- Certified Legal Intern, state of Oklahoma.
- Advanced training in Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution through the Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution, Pepperdine University, Caruso School of Law, 2008.
- University of Portland (B.A. Cum Laude 1973).
- Varsity Tennis.
- University/Community Orchestra.
- Concert and Stage bands.
- Clark College (A.A., 1971).
- Varsity Tennis.
- Associated Students of Clark College, Vice President.
- Elected Chairperson, Clark Student Union.
Lions International
- Vancouver Lions Club:
- Member, 1989 to present.
- President, 1998/99 and 2006/07.
- Secretary, 1996/97, 2010 to 2012.
- Treasurer, 1992 to 1995.
- Tail Twister, 1993/94, 1996 to 1998, 1999/00, 2002 to 2004, 2007/08, 2010/11, 2013/14, 2016/17.
- Director, 1999 to 2012, 2017 to 2023.
- Club Administrator, 2019 to present.
- Club Bulletin Editor (The Lions Tale, biweekly), 1994 to 1999, 2003 to 2005, 2010 to 2012, 2016 to 2018.
- Lion of the Year, 1993/94, 1994/95, 1997/98, 1999/00, 2000/01, 2001/02, 2003/04, 2010/11, 2013/14.
- Club webmaster, 2006 to present.
- Committees, Projects and Activities:
- Emil Fries Memorial Golf Tournament (annual), Chairperson and Tournament Director 1998 to 2010.
- Carnivals (annual), Washington State School for the Blind and Washington School for the Deaf students, families, and friends.
- Jamborees (annual), Washington State School for the Blind students and families.
- Swim Meets:
- Washington State School for the Blind vs. Oregon State School for the Blind (annual).
- Washington State School for the Blind students, families and friends (annual).
- Bowling Nights (quarterly), Washington State School for the Blind students.
- Memorial Day Hot Dogs — cooking and serving 1,000 free hot dogs to the participants and attendees of the annual City of Vancouver Memorial Day Celebration.
- Two Tickets To Paradise (aka, Hawaiian Holiday for Two) fundraising raffle committee.
- Duck Derby fund drive committee.
- White Cane fund drives for Northwest Lions Foundation (annual).
- Bell Ringing for the Salvation Army holiday fund drives (annual).
- Relay for Life of Clark County, American Cancer Society fund drives.
- Veterans Stand Downs.
- Club Anniversary Programs Chairperson and Master of Ceremonies:
- 90th Anniversary Celebration.
- 75th Anniversary Celebration.
- 70th Anniversary Celebration.
- Club representative, Lions Sight Foundation of Clark County.
- Club representative, Lions Speech and Hearing Committee of Clark County.
- Eyeglass collections for Northwest Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center.
- Multiple District 19 Lions International:
- Council Chairperson, Multiple District 19, 2019/20.
- Vice Council Chairperson, Multiple District 19, 2018/19.
- Multiple District 19 Parliamentarian, 1998/99, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23, 2023 to present.
- Governance Committee, Multiple District 19, 2020 to present.
- Strategic Planning Committee, Multiple District 19, 2020 to present.
- Redistricting Committee, Multiple District 19, 2020 to present.
- Centennial Coordinator, U.S. clubs, Multiple District 19, 2016 to 2018.
- MD19 webmaster, 2018 to present. Redesign and maintenance of MD19 website.
- Faculty Development Team, Multiple District 19, 2010 to 2016.
- Club Excellence Process facilitator, Multiple District 19, 2010 to 2016.
- District 19-G Lions International:
- District Governor for District 19G, 2015/16.
- 1st Vice District Governor for District 19G, 2014/15.
- 2nd Vice District Governor for District 19G, 2013/14.
- District 19G Bulletin Editor, 2011/12.
- District 19G Zone Bulletin Award 2012.
- District 19G Retention Chairperson, 2012/13.
- District 19G Constitution and Bylaws committee, 2011 to 2014.
- District 19G Club Support Team leader, 2014/15.
- District 19G Global Membership Team facilitator, 2014/15.
- District 19G Global Leadership Team facilitator, 2013/14.
- Master of Ceremonies, District 19G annual conventions, 2010/11 (Terry Sutfin, DG), 2011/12 (Crawford Spens, DG), 2012/13 (Kathy Morrison, DG), 2014/15 (Kathy Crawford, DG), 2016/17 (Monte Ward, DG), 2017/18 (Bill Karcher, DG), 2018/19 (Mark Mansell, DG), 2021/22 (Marilyn Patterson, DG).
- Zone 19G-2 Lions International:
- Zone Chairperson for Zone 19G-2, 2011/12.
- Associate Zone Chairperson for Zone 19G-2, 2010/11.
- Certifications and Recognitions:
- Multiple District 19 Distinguished Service Award, 2018 (highest award conferred by Multiple District 19).
- Lions Clubs International President's Medal (from President Gudrun Yngvadotir), 2019.
- Lions Clubs International President's Leadership Medal (from President Patti Hill), 2024.
- Facilitator, Club Excellence Process/Club Quality Initiative.
- Certified Guiding Lion, 2011 to 2014.
- USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum, moderator, 2017, 2023.
- Graduate, Advanced Lions Leadership Institute, March, 2014.
- Lion of the Year, Vancouver Lions Club, 1993/94, 1994/95, 1997/98, 1999/00, 2000/01, 2001/02, 2003/04, 2010/11.
- District 19G Best Club Bulletin Award 1994/95, 1995/96, 2010/11, 2016/17.
- District 19G Best Club Website Award 2012/13, 2014/15, 2021/22.
- Multiple District 19 Club Secretary Excellence Award, 2011/12
- Multiple District 19 Best Club Bulletin Award 1995/96, 2010/11, 2016/17.
- Multiple District 19 Zone Chair Bulletin Award 2011/12.
- Multiple District 19 Best Club Website Award 2012/13, 2014/15.
- Multiple District 19 Club Secretary Excellence, 2011/22.
- Multiple Membership Key awards.
- Melvin Jones Fellowship (awarded by the Vancouver Lions Club, 2007).
- Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowship (awarded by the Vancouver Lions Club, 2023).
- Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowship (awarded by Multiple District 19 Lions International, 2024).
- MD19 Lions Foundation:
- President, 2024 to present.
- Vice President, 2023 to 2024.
- District 19G represntative to the Board of Directors 2022 to 2023.
- Redesign and maintenance of the MD19 Lions Foundation website.
- Northwest Lions Foundation:
- Director At Large, 2022 to present.
- Redesign and maintenance of Northwest Lions Foundation website.
- Area Captain, Clark County, Washington Interservice Walk & Knock, the nation's largest local food drive, 1995 to present.
- Pacific Foundation for Blind Children:
- Founding member, 1995.
- Board of Directors, 1995 to present.
- President and Chairman of the Board 1995 to 2011.
- Webmaster, 2015 to present. Redesign and maintenance of Pacific Foundation for Blind Children website.
- Washington/Oregon Lions Vision Task Force, 2011.
- Relay for Life of Clark County, American Cancer Society fund drives.
- Clark County (Washington) Bar Association:
- Board of Trustees 2010 to 2015.
- Treasurer 2011 to 2015.
- Web and technology committee Chair, 2006 to 2014.
- Free Legal Clinic, Clark College, weekly 1985 to 2014.
“And In My Spare Time…”
- Music:
- Saxophone (Martin Committee III “The Martin” Baritone, Keilwerth SX90 Tenor, Keilwerth SX90 Alto, Keilwerth SX90 II Soprano, and Antiqua Winds ProOne Soprano).
- Clarinet (B♭Yamaha YCL 650, and B♭ Cousenon Monopole).
- Yamaha WX5 (electronic wind controller) and Yamaha VL70-M (tone generator).
- Didgeridoo.
- Fishing and fly tying.
- Golf.
- Building and maintaining websites for several nonprofit organizations (Clark County Bar Association, Pacific Foundation for Blind Children, Vancouver Lions Club, Multiple District 19 Lions, Northwest Lions Foundation, MD19 Lions Foundation).